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12 ago 20223 Min. de lectura
5 Awesome Summer Staycation Ideas for the Whole Family!
What is a Staycation you ask? Stay·ca·tion /ˌstāˈkāSHn/ noun INFORMAL a vacation spent in one's home country rather than abroad, or one...

6 ago 20223 Min. de lectura
5 Games to Play With the Family This Summer, While Practising Your English
Last month, we talked about some easy habits you could integrate into your day to keep practising your English during the summer break....

29 jul 20221 Min. de lectura
CRAFT TIME! Make Swimming Jellyfish With Miss Ana!
In this video, Miss Ana shows us how to make a fun and easy jellyfish craft, whether at home or on vacation. Here are the materials you...

22 jun 20221 Min. de lectura
¡ Curso de verano, manualidades para papá y mucho más !
Join Miss Adri and Miss Mon, as they teach you how to make a fun Activity Cup craft that you can recreate at home. This activity is sure...

27 abr 20223 Min. de lectura
5 museos para visitar con tu peque este día del niñx ⭐
5 museos para visitar con tu peque este día del niñx El día del niñx está a la vuelta de la esquina, nos faltan sólo unos días para...

12 ene 20224 Min. de lectura
Start This Year, Inspired!
2022 Goal Setting for Kids With almost half of January checked off of our calendars, it isn’t too late to set goals for ourselves and...

7 dic 20211 Min. de lectura
A Treat in Time for the Holidays!
Cuando hace frío, no hay nada mejor que comer unas galletas de chispas de chocolate hechas en casa. El problema es que hacerlas toma...

15 nov 20211 Min. de lectura
Keep the Gratitude Flowing...
Learn How to Make Gratitude Stones With Miss Eli En este mes de Noviembre, es importante recordar ser agradecidos. Hoy, Teacher Eli nos...
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